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Apply for a Grant

If you wish to apply for a grant from the R.R. Smith Memorial Fund Foundation, please ensure first that your projects goals are in line with our purpose statement, found below:

Our Purpose

To advance public education in British Columbia and in developing countries by :

  • Providing scholarships and bursaries to doctoral students in any area which advances public education and deserving students, to enable them to attend post-secondary educational institutions.
  • Making and administering grants to Canadian registered charitable organizations, the purposes of which are similar to those of the society.
  • Acquiring school materials, books, equipment, and supplies of all kinds, and donating them to schools.
  • Providing funding to support innovative projects which advance public education.
  • working cooperatively with governments in Canada and other countries, and other charitable organizations.

The Foundation makes grants to projects that meet these criteria.

Applications must be received at the R.R. Smith office on or before March 1st to be considered.

Download the PDF Application FormApply Online Now

Print and Complete the Application, then mail to:

RR Smith Memorial Fund Foundation
100 – 550 W. 6th Ave.
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 4P2

R.R. Smith Memorial Fund Foundation

Building an Educational Legacy

The purposes of the R.R. Smith Memorial Fund Foundation focus on the advancement of public education in British Columbia, other parts of Canada and developing countries. The Foundation awards one year grants under the following provisions of its constitution in order to advance its charitable mandate:

  1. The Foundation administers grants to British Columbia or Canadian registered charitable organizations in order to:
    • Support the acquisition of school supplies, books and equipment to enhance learning for students and teachers;
    • Support innovative projects which advance public education;
    • Support the development of education programmes in developing countries
  2. The Foundation does not fund salaries, food programmes, or the construction of buildings or playground equipment such as climbing apparatus, swings or slides.
  3. The foundation will co-fund initiatives with governments in Canada, developing countries, and other charitable organizations.

When making an application for an R.R. Smith Memorial Fund grant, please provide the following contact information.

Note One: Applications for university bursaries are managed by universities directly and must be completed through direct communication with the university.

Note Two: All fields below are required. You may want to review the necessary information and then return at a future date when you are ready.

Application Form
Name of Contact Person
Name of Contact Person
First Name
Last Name
This address will be displayed in our recipients listing should your initiative be chosen.
Charity Number Type
Enter the dollar figure you are applying for, without the $ sign.

Maximum file size: 2.1MB

If required, you can add multiple files in a single upload.