The Board appreciates the diligent contributions of time and energy of the Board members. Board members met in person to discuss the issues for our charitable registered program, providing urgently needed funds in many developing countries and in BC. We ensure that all donations and the yearly contribution from members is spent wisely, ensuring transparency in the granting of funds, as we had many more requests for funds than we were able to support. At the last AGM our funding was approved for $5 per member, donated once a year.
Careful management of the donations which are held through the Vancity Community/R.R. Smith fund with their office sending receipts promptly if donated on-line, and at year-end if donated by cheque. This year grants totaled over $43,000 which enables the continuation of programs helping registered charitable groups operating in BC and in developing countries with their diverse programs. The list of recipients was published in the earlier PostScript.
We discussed our bylaws and spent considerable time on this matter and now submit the updated bylaws for ratification to this AGM. We especially thank the Board members for their efforts updating the bylaws with the assistance of our pro bono lawyer Anders Ourom. Thanks also to Jim Reid for keeping our charitable status up to date with the government.
We continue to receive letters of appreciation from recipients from university students who benefit from the R. R. Smith bursaries administered through six universities, including UBC, SFU, UNBC, University of Victoria, Vancouver Island University and Thompson Rivers University. The Board discussed making contributions to the six universities R. R. Smith bursaries but decided to instead focus on our charitable work under our criteria/application model as the bursaries were set up through a different source of funding after a strike action. Students apply directly to the universities, and the funds, through careful management, continue to grow. We note a member has given a significant donation to five universities R. R. Smith bursary accounts this year.
Thanks to each of the members of our Board for sharing their skills: Kerry Babiuk, Dave Carter, Gail Chaddock-Costello, Laurence Greeff, Karen Kilbride, Sarah Joyce, Steve Bailey, and our BCRTA representatives Caroline Malm and Linda Watson. We appreciate Tim Anderson’s skill with the website. Special thanks to Kristi and Laurie at the BCRTA office.
Barb Mikulec, president